The Science of Nutrition
In our industrialization of food, we have lost a primal understanding of what constitutes healthy eating. Most people are confused about what to eat and do not understand how powerful food is in shaping our health. We have slipped down a slippery slope of reliance on pre-packaged convenience foods, instead of taking the time to prepare and eat wholesome nourishing food. Fixing a meal has become stressful and shopping for beautifully packaged commodities devoid of life and vitality has become commonplace. This way of living is not sustainable. If we are to live in a way that promotes the health of our bodies, our soil and our planet, we must learn another way. In order to make good choices in our lives, we need to be empowered with knowledge.
At the Institute of Sustainable Nutrition, we explore how many of today’s maladies are connected to this delicate balance between the health of the soil, the food we eat and the human body. We learn how eating simple, seasonal, real food is our best medicine.

This Certification Program Real Food Matters will cover the Fundamentals of Nutrition from a Holistic perspective:
Investigate the role of nutrients in human health
Discover the importance of eating a nutrient-dense diet.
Focus on inflammation as an underlying cause of most chronic disease and how diet can either contribute to the inflammatory process or help to heal it.
Discuss the functions of normal digestion as well as strategies for healing the gut. Be introduced to the latest research on the microbiome and how eating fermented foods is the foundation of health.
Understand key concepts in functional medicine such as: the relationship between adrenal stress and chronic disease, mindful eating, building a healthy immune system, food sensitivities, and how these subjects form the core of nutrition’s role in healing.
Learn why an organic, seasonal, locally grown diet rich in plant foods is best for our health. Discover the benefits of raw & cooked plant foods, as well as nutrient-rich animal foods and how eating animal foods from clean sources can be both sustainable and healthy.
Develop an appreciation for the high nutrient content of wild foods and enjoy foraging with the class as you become proficient in plant identification skills & the language of plants.
“This has been a wonderful program, anyone interested in health and nutrition will love it.” KIM

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